Smartest Dog Breeds

Smartest Dog Breeds

Does your dog ever amaze you by her ability to understand commands? To learn new tricks quickly? Experts measure intelligence in dogs in a few ways, and the smartest dog breeds might surprise you. And, if you're curious, we've answered some FAQs about dogs' IQs that may blow your mind. For example, have you ever wondered if big dog breeds are smarter than small dog breeds? Or how you even determine a dog's IQ in the first place? All of that is important to know when it comes to ranking the most intelligent dogs.

These are the smartest dog breeds, according to Stanley Coren. Want to a new pup to your pack? Check out these unique dog names.

  1. Poodle
  2. German shepherd 
  3. Golden retriever
  4. Doberman
  5. Labrador retriever
  6. Rottweiler